Visual New Labolatory Test ( 15 volumes ) Japanese Version
Visual New Labolatory Test "Visual New Labolatory Test" series, planned and edited by the leading experts in this field, has come out. Usefully available for medical training, education of clinical technologist, and of nurse or student nurse.
15 volume set
With Scenario book
■ Supervised by Jun Igari (president, Juntendo Urayasu Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo Univ.)
CL-01 General Survey
cl-01 General Survey General survey plays an important role in screening test and is the first hurdle of diagnosis. This videotape visually describes clinical significances and inspection methods of urinary, urinary resident, feces, and spinal fluid, etc..
VHS 30 min.
■ Planned by Kiichi Ito (professor, Kanagawa Prefectural Univ. of Human Services)
CL-02 Blood Test
cl-02 Blood Test The examination of blood cellular components can give voluminous informations about anemia, leukemia, and blood clotting disorder etc. This videotape visually describes clinical significances and inspection methods of blood count, white blood cell picture, production of blood cell in bone marrow, anemia, leukemia, and inspection of blood coagulation system, etc..
VHS 34 min.
■ Planned by Kazuhiko Nakahara (professor, Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Univ.)
CL-03 Chemical Test 1
cl-03 Chemical Test 1 Blood plasma is worth to be called a repertory of information, because it includes many kinds of chemical agent. This videotape visually describes clinical significances and inspection methods of enzymes that catalyze chemical reaction and serum electrolytes.
VHS 28 min.
■ Planned by Kunihide Gomi (professor, Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Showa Univ.)
CL-04 Chemical Test 2
cl-04 Chemical Test 2 Blood plasma concludes nutrient matters and metabolic products of them. This videotape visually describes clinical significances and inspection methods of nutrients such as proteins, glucide, and lipid, and metabolic products of them; urea nitrogen, bilirubin, and creatinine, etc..
VHS 27 min.
■ Planned by Kunihide Gomi (professor, Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Showa Univ.)
CL-05 Endocrine and Metabolic Test
cl-05 Endocrine and Metabolic Test Radioimmunoassay has brought out details about hormone regulating internal environment of body. This videotape visually describes clinical significances and inspection methods of endocrine signal transduction and method of functional inspection of hormone (hypothalamic pituitary system, thyroid system, adrenal system, gonadal system, and diabetes and insulin, etc.
VHS 33 min.
■ Planned by Toshiaki Nakai (professor, Dept. of Clinical Pathology, Inst. of Clinical Medicine, Tsukuba Univ.)
CL-06 Microbiological Test
cl-06 Microbiological Test Diagnosis of infection has been performed more quickly and closely with advances in identification method of pathogenic microbe. This videotape visually describes causal microbe, current infection, diagnosis of infection, microbiological test, and bacterial sensitivity test, etc..
VHS 40 min.
■ Planned by Harushige Kanno (assistant director, Takane Hospital)
CL-07 Pathological Test
cl-07 Pathological Test Pathological test ascertains the cause of disease and is responsible for the diagnosis of tumor. This videotape describes cytodiagnosis as a test at the level of micro, examination of specimen, perioperative rapid diagnosis, method of pathologic specimen, and autopsy as a test at the level of macro.
VHS 28 min.
■ Planned by Noriyuki Kuwabara (chief, Health Control Center, Self-Defense Force Central Hospital / guest professor, Dept. of Pathology 1, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo Univ.)
CL-08 Physiological Test 1
cl-08 Physiological Test 1 Physiological test is a test that directly derives information from the body. This videotape describes lead of electroencephalogram, sleep and electroencephalogram, activation method of  abnormal electroencephalogram, evoked electroencephalogram, lead of electromyogram, and evoked electromyogram, etc..
VHS 34 min.
■ Planned by Youji Ishiyama (professor, Dept. of Pathological Physiology, Faculty of Health Science, Kyorin Univ. / part-time medical examiner, Dept. of Clinical Laboratory, Toranomon Hospital)
CL-09 Physiological Test 2
cl-09 Physiological Test 2 Physiological test is a test that directly derives physical information from the body. This videotape describes lead of electrocardiogram, analysis method of electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, pulse wave and respiratory function test, etc..
VHS 41 min.
■ Planned by Youji Ishiyama (part-time medical examiner, Dept. of Clinical Laboratory, Toranomon Hospital)
CL-10 Ultrasound Test 1
cl-10 Ultrasound Test 1 Ultrasound test draws the body cross-section throughout reflexed ultrasonic wave and images the blood velocity. This videotape visually describes the basic of ultrasound test and method of probe operations and clinical pictures of B-mode, color Doppler, and M-mode, etc. in the heart and great vessel.
VHS 27 min.
■ Planned by Koichi Ito (professor, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School)
CL-11 Ultrasound Test 2
cl-11 Ultrasound Test 2 Usage of ultrasound enables to record the real time cross-section noninvasively. This videotape visually describes the method of probe operations and clinical pictures of abdominal, pelvic, and body surface viscera, etc..
VHS 28 min.
■ Planned by Koichi Ito (professor, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School)
CL-12 MRI Test
cl-12 MRI Test MRI images the body cross-section based on the magnetic moment of proton included in the body. This videotape visually describes the principle of MR, T1 or T2 weighted image, MR image of blood flow, MR signal positioning, and feature of MRI, etc..
VHS 26 min.
■ Planned by Tsutomu Araki (professor, Dept. of Radiology, Medical and Engineering, Yamanashi Univ.)
CL-13 Immunological Test
cl-13 Immunological Test Usage of ultrasound enables to record the real time cross-section noninvasively. This videotape visually describes the immune serum test of infection (syphilis, antinuclear antibody, RA test, ASO, Coombs’ test, etc.) and protein microanalysis.
VHS 39 min.
■ Planned by Ikunosuke Sakurabayashi (professor, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School)
CL-14 Chromosomal Test
cl-14 Chromosomal Test Chromosome includes DNA, and inspection of them has significant meanings on the diagnosis of heredity or leukemia. This videotape visually describes the numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations, inspection method of chromosome distilled from peripheral blood, and leukemia and chromosomal aberration, etc..
VHS 26 min.
■ Planned by Tamiko Shinohara (ex-chief, 5th Dept. of Inspection, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center)
CL-15  Clinical Pathology
cl-15  Clinical Pathology Clinical pathology is a science that contributes to disease diagnosis, decision of therapeutic strategy, follow-up of disease with taking advantage of laboratory test. This videotape visually describes the objective of laboratory test, notandums in laboratory test, loading test, distribution of normal values, and variation of inspection data, etc..
VHS 30 min.
■ Planned by Jun Igari (director, Juntendo Urayasu Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo Univ.)

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Institute of A-V Medical Education, INC.