Infant Physical Assessment ( 3 volumes ) Japanese Version
Infant Physical Assessment Needed are the assessment approaches or skills appropriate to child’s developmental stage, when a physical assessment is conducted on children. Decribeing the practical methods and the points, how-to-make assessment is shown with the vol. 1 and 2 forcusing on five-months infants, and with the vol. 3 focusing on 6-months infants. Sample records available in each volume enable to explain the details on how to conclude the assessment results.
3 volumes set

■Planned and Supervised d by Matsuko Doi (professor, Faculty of Nursing, Aichi Medical Univ.)
■Planned by Izuko Masayama (Lecturer, Shizuoka Prefectural Univ.)
■Academically Cooperated by Linda L. Lindeke (associate professor, Faculty of Nursing, Minnesota Univ.)

ND-01 Infant 1
ND-01 Infant 1 With taking a five-year-old infant as a model case, details the reception of medical history, general condition, physical assessment for skin and nail, head and neck, eye, ear, breast, and respiratory organ. Also describes the preparation of room and equipments and approach technique to infant for a smooth assessment performance.
37 min.
ND-02 Infant 2
ND-02 Infant 2 With a five-year-old infant as a model case, details the reception of medical history, general condition, physical assessment for cardiovascular, abdomen, groin, genitals, musculoskeletal, and nervous system. Also describes anatomical and physiological properties of infant heart and genitals. In the last part of the program, summarizes the procedure and notandum on infant physical assessment throughout both vol. 1 and vol. 2.
33 min.
ND-03 Babe
ND-03 Babe Infant physical assessment varies in practical contents and clinical examination points according to age or age in month. With taking a six-month-old babe as a model case, this program details the facts of babe physical assessment. As compared to the assessment for other age in month, describes assessments appropriate for age in month and condition.
33 min.

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Institute of A-V Medical Education, INC.